LEGO Bear, Panda and Koala Figures
And yet another up-to-date animal article! Today, we scale up. Our guests are LEGO bear, panda and koala figures. Since there aren’t many, I thought it would be better to put them all in one article.
My first article on LEGO animals dates back to 2019. I was the editor of a LEGO blog at the time, and I wrote it for them. When Buka Bricks started in 2020, it was one of the first articles I translated and published here. Of course, I added the animals released since then.
In 2022, I started a new project. To know which animals I owned, I decided to create my own catalog. Since I was photographing them, I decided to write about them as well. At the time, I owned 265 different animals.
Right now that number is 456. I have added 191 animals to my collection in two years. I checked the number of minifigures I bought during that time, and the number is 166 according to Brickset. Add the BAM figures, and it will go up to 200, more or less. It seems while I was getting a minifigure, I was getting a new animal, too. I think the number of animals will surpass the number of minifigures very soon.
As I was updating the blog, I realized the animal series that started with “only the ones I have” evolved into “all the animals in that category”. I loved writing about them, and the more I loved it the more I wrote.
So now you have a huge LEGO animals archive in front of you. Every animal ever released, including images of different colors, prints, and lots of information. With comparison pictures of old and new, big and small. A little criticism, a little praise (okay, a lot of praise :) ), and full of fun.
If an animal is announced officially and has an image, you’ll most likely to find information about it here. As long as the LEGO Group produces new animals, I will update all my animal articles. My categorization is different than Bricklink’s, so I added a list below to show which animal is in which article.
I visited so many pages while writing these. While I came across a few based only on animals, I never came across anything as extensive as the ones here. Animals were always “mentioned”, but never the highlights. They are my blog’s unique feature.
Sorry-not-sorry for being so smug. I put in a lot of work for these articles, and I’m really proud of them.
I learned a lot while writing and loved every minute. I hope you love reading them, too.
Article list:
And yet another up-to-date animal article! Today, we scale up. Our guests are LEGO bear, panda and koala figures. Since there aren’t many, I thought it would be better to put them all in one article.
Here’s another up-to-date animal article! Today, we’ll start with LEGO rabbit (or bunny, if you prefer) figures, continue with mice, rats, hamsters and squirrels, and close up with the remaining small mammals. Let’s begin if you’re ready.
Welcome to the updated LEGO farm animals article! There aren’t many of these, because most of them have unique shapes, meaning a new mould should be made for each and every one, meaning pricier sets. Still, the LEGO Group made enough animals to build a small farm.
Welcome to our third up-to-date animal article! Horses are one of the oldest LEGO animals, in fact they’re the oldest land animals. LEGO DUPLO horse figures were released in 1979, System ones were released in 1984. They’ve appeared in different sizes, different colors and of course in different themes, and …
We’ve taken a look at cats, now it’s time for dogs. Just like cats, LEGO dog figures went under significant changes throughout the years. There are also a significant number of dog species that have been LEGOfied. In this article, you’ll find all the dog figures ever released, including Bellville, …
Welcome to the updated LEGO cat figures article, where you can find all cats ever produced in LEGO form; big, small, old, new, if it’s made, it’s here. Of course there may be a few I don’t know about, but if it’s announced officially, there’s a good chance you’ll find …